Neda Popovic
Mother of 4 children, yoga and floating yoga instructor,
Master sociologist
The game, as one of the freest, but also the most serious activities, with all its rules, but also the boundless pastime, entered my life thanks to Ana Ninković.
The training for floating yoga instructors was supposed to be just another in a series, but it turned out to be a turning point for me. First, in the way and approach of practicing and practicing yoga. And secondly, the approach to life and the philosophy of life. Ana, together with her husband Miloš, brought back to my life playfulness, connection to nature, health and purity. As for yoga, she put it on the same level with dance, practice, dance, ballet, but it still remained true yoga, full of serenity, peace and spirituality. Ana 'just' breathed life into her! And so, don't be fooled by that playfulness, slings, flying ... We do yoga, but in harmony with nature, in harmony with us and the children in us! And that is the true primordial nature of every being! We fly and do yoga with our beloved silk. Yes, I literally fell in love with her. I love her. I'm not getting out of it! If I want to do yoga, there is silk. If I want to dance, there's silk. To play and to play. To relax. To put a child to sleep. To stretch my spine after a hard day at work. There's my silk!
I also thank Ana for her patience, for everything she taught me in approaching people, the method of transferring knowledge, living a balanced and happy life! I would recommend the seminar to every mother, every woman coach, every instructor of yoga, fintesse, dance, pilates ..
Welcome to Rtanj, a magical place where miracles exist and where you will experience them!

Jelena Djokovic
Instructor Yoga
Vida yoga studio Čačak
Sweetheart Ana and Milose,
I would like to say that Iva and I spent a wonderful time on your property in the Rtanj Healthy Life Center!
There I made sure that you really live the story you are promoting and respecting the values you are fighting for.
As a strange hedonist, food always comes to mind first, so I have to say that I was especially thrilled by the nettle and forest herb soup and the salad with the guardians.
To return to the topic: When it comes to exercising on silk, there is a new, unique experience where everyone can exercise according to their sensibility. Personally, I like the flying part where we strive for some heights, the feeling of freedom it provides and the opposition to gravity, as well as iversions that can be even better when we use silk as support. I have to mention it because the silk meditations left the strongest impression on me, as something I will remember forever. Of course I want to mention Ana's experience and knowledge. The lectures were interesting, in a way they gave me a "bigger picture" and when we talk about yoga that I already do. However, what is not forgotten are smiling, cheerful, hospitable, harmonious, interesting Ana and Milos️.
I thank you for the acquired knowledge, hospitality and the opportunity to become part of the floating community
In 2019, I finished hatha yoga at the Vidya yoga school of Dragan and Ivana Loncar. In September of the same year, my Vida yoga studio Cacak started working. A lot of women practice with me and I wanted to offer them something new and unique. I will continue to practice hatha yoga with groups, and I want to do aerial yoga for my soul, as well as in individual classes with my practitioners.
And meditation in silk, as a special story, is something that must be experienced as a reward for special effort and progress in practicing on the ground floor or in silk. 🧚♀️
Jelena Djokovic
Vida yoga studio Cacak

Dragomir Kanacki
Massage therapist
Throughout my life, I have been lucky to learn from the best, from those who pass on their knowledge with natural authority. With their life's work, they present their skills to those who are ready for it. Modesty suits a learned man best, and it is impossible to find traces of lies, auto-chauvinism and ruthless ambition that are circulating in all media today. Ana doesn't have that, you will agree with me, even at first sight.
That is why, carried away by my motives, I headed towards Rtnje, more precisely Vrmdži. I fit into the given profile of the course participants only partially: but I smelled something I needed in the floating exercise system; I had no ambition to work as an Instructor, a semi-media personality, a mystery or elixir seller. Instinct rarely deceived me, and what I wanted to learn opened up to an extent I didn't even expect.
After three demonstrated techniques, I recognized the path to a floating massage system. Last year I was disappointed in my Watsu Instructor and I understood with Ana why it had to go that way ....
What I would single out as important, and I have not had the opportunity to notice when informing over the Internet, is working with elements (fire, earth, air, water, mertal), which, if you have some prior knowledge, can quite complement your knowledge. what skills.
In addition to a real Instructor, it is very important to pay attention to the ideas that come to you from the air and to the emotions that develop to understanding. I call it "download". These are direct insights into things that you can use in your life at the same time.
I could write about the energy of our beautiful country and Rtnja for days, especially since that mountain changed my life many times. A few days after completing the course, I started practicing the exercises I had learned from Ana and realized that I could easily initiate my clients into the strengths and beauty of the canvas. All of us left in love with the floating system, and since I managed to do better than myself, I believe that my mission as an Instructor has been fulfilled, despite the fact that I never needed such a result. I’m sure some of my clients will be looking for Ana as well.
My personal opinion is that knowledge is best and most naturally transferred from a woman to a man and vice versa.
Any recommendation for instructor Ana.
Modesty, courage and dedication are the qualities of true teachers.

Đurđica Subotić
Instructor Yoga
Lotus - Association for Healthy Living
I met Ana at a course for Yoga instructors in Sombor. I remember her first address to me when she told me in the first class that I was doing something smart (she meant positions body-exercises) and asked me where I came from and what my name was. On that occasion, I conveyed the greetings of my then Yoga instructor, who was Ana's student.
Ana is an instructor who has applicable knowledge and who transfers that knowledge so that we can use it later in our own arrangement, sensibility and creativity. It does not make you addicted to it and its teachings, but it will certainly bring you back again, because it is an inexhaustible source of knowledge.
On the same course, Ana also held an intensive Floating Yoga course. I didn't attend then, but I just swayed a little upside down on the screen and it was enough for me to "get used". On that occasion, I decided to go further and learn it from Ana personally, who not only teaches Yoga, but much more than that, as she likes to say: she enlightens the body.
That's how I found myself on Rtnje on the ecological property of Ana and Miloš Ninković on a course for a floating exercise system. First of all, they are very pleasant hosts. I also took my daughter and she was more in contact with Miloš and she said how nice he is. When you meet him, you will see that this is the least you can say about him. He was in charge of our comfort and convenience, while Ana passed on her knowledge of the floating exercise system to us and "jumped in" to help Miloš. Ana introduced us to the surroundings and Rtnja, and during the breaks she certainly kept my attention with various experiential stories - one rich life and one rich soul, that is Ana.
We had less than three days for the course and I noticed that Ana very wisely dosed her knowledge which is rich, because as an experienced instructor, she knew that if she overwhelmed us with information, she would only confuse us. This way, she directed us on a flight, and it is up to us to discover further on our own, and she will be there again when we need more knowledge, because whoever works on himself knows that when he reaches one level, he strives further and knows how to stop on that path. , but while people like Ana, you can come back for more knowledge until you finally leave and you become a teacher.
Apart from the basics of the floating system, I learned some other things on the course, met some interesting people and recharged the "batteries" for everyday life.
Many thanks to Ana and Miloš for their hospitality, and special thanks to Ana for giving me the technique for the flight - FLOATING EXERCISE SYSTEM, authored by herself, so unique that when you try it you know what it's about (you don't eat everything that flies).

Željka Zdravković
Yoga instructor from Bor
Team of creative ideas TIKI
With Ana, I understood my inner creative whisperer,
his muse who would only love and create. She encouraged me to believe in inner wisdom and vibrationally adopt the knowledge they shared generously in every module of the Rtanj School, in every meeting, in every class and at every moment of training for a floating yoga coach. There are few people who empower you to be
better to yourself, asking for nothing, only your truth, example, not words…

Milica Vukajlovic
Hatha Yoga Instructor
Electrical Engineer
After completing the course for Hatha Yoga instructor, quite unexpectedly, the path led me to Ana and the Rtanj Center for Healthy Living, and that gave my further practice a completely different direction.
Having learned me hovering yoga Ana as if she gave me wings. Her training system is special, she upgraded my previous knowledge of traditional asanas and with the help of a canvas she gave them a completely different dimension. She passed on to me the knowledge gained through many years of work and experience and explained how to design a class and adapt it to different types of people who come to classes.
Ana conveyed to me the joy of discovering new body movements and canvas dancing and that is what I am trying to pass on to my students.
Sanja Ilic
Sports coach and Yoga instructor, Belgrade
Tactical Crav Maga HQ
Ana is a treasure trove of knowledge. A girl who radiates the most sacred energy, selflessly shares her knowledge in a very special way known only to her. I've been to a lot of courses, and I can say that Ana is a great professional, she has no unanswered questions and her commitment to the students is complete.
Creativity, the joy of sharing and pure love - that's Ana!
My warm recommendation to anyone who wants to learn the floating system from Ana, you will get much more than you expected for sure!

Tijana Marić
Yoga instructor
Professor of Literature, White City
It goes without saying that Ana taught me how to become a yoga instructor. The name hovering system of exercise speaks of depth, systematicity, dedication, many years of gathering knowledge and experience, and above all, it points to the inexhaustible source of energy and inspiration to which Ana is "connected". Ana is a teacher who gives herself whole and more than that. She teaches and motivates, moves and leads, recognizes the hidden strengths and potentials of students. Anna can introduce you to herself. She not only learns how to practice and how to perform positions correctly, she also learns about the unity of mind and body, about gentle and stormy dance through life.

Tanja Vukić
And the instructor of Floating Yoga
Aerial studio, Banja Luka
The hovering exercise system changed my life, not the way I found out about it, but how Ana passed on the knowledge about it. My body completely surrendered and opened up to this kind of exercise, because it contributed to my soul opening first. It was a special pleasure to spend those moments with her on the mountain Rtanj, in the nature to which you surrender and find the lost part of yourself. Right at her on the mountain, I learned how to be in tune with the movement and maintain that magic.

Vanda Vickov Drača
Capoeira instructor, Aerial Yoga
Reconnection Practitioner
Bast center Belgrade
When a man is in harmony with his soul, he is not a pale copy of another person, but dances through life, leaving an original mark.
He meets people who also play their magic dance and selflessly share their knowledge with others.
Every such encounter is a magic that is cheerful, healing, encouraging ...
They are changing the world with their strength.
I classify my meeting and work with Ana as such.

Jelena Mirkovic
SUPAERIAL Fitness Yoga
Instructor , White City
Ana is one of those women who will inspire others and encourage them to develop their potential. She knows very well the feminine power, and it is from that feminine, creative power that the Floating System came into being, conceived in such a way that anyone can practice it. At Ana's invitation, I was a guest at one of her trainings, on Rtnje, as a lecturer for advanced "floating" movements. What I noticed was Ana’s rich experience, great knowledge, dedication and love for what she does. That's the real recipe for success
in her case, she confirms through everything she has achieved and is achieving so far. I believe that everyone who comes to the Rtanj Center for Healthy Living will notice the same, and nature, food, clean air and a relaxed lifestyle will contribute to feeling and noticing much more than that. And those who will be trained according to the system of Ana Ninković, will adopt the necessary knowledge systematically and gradually, through creative solutions and authentic methods. All recommendations!

Jadranka Nikić
Fitness Relax Center , Modriča
I finished the course "Yoga in Canvas" with my dear ANA NINKOVIĆ last year in May.
Nice experience and socializing with Ana and other students, I have fond memories.
Ana has a very good sense of how to approach each student and it was easy for me to learn the basics of the course thanks to Ana, which I apply today in my studio and explore new positions every day.
My girls are thrilled with the exercise in the canvas and my warm recommendation for this way of exercising and for instructions with Ana, who is a good teacher. ;)